Saturday, September 19, 2009


I was encouraged, prodded, and coerced by my good friend Lanell to participate in the Memphis Women 5K Run/Walk and sooooo.....I did it.
First of all, three miles is a long way. But, being there with all these other women doing the exact same thing was pretty cool.
I did however want to share a few of thoughts....

Number one...I learned that the number you wear on your shirt is called a bib.
I did not know that until today.

Number two...Today is the first day I have ever used a Porto Potty...enough said.

And finally, number three...every thing we were ever taught about littering gets thrown out the window at a race. At the mile markers, they hand you a cup of water as you go by and then you THROW THE CUPS ON THE CURB when you're done.
(they have someone designated to clean them up)

It was a great experience and I had fun. On top of that, everyone got a cool t-shirt and medal!


  1. You've NEVER used a porta potty????? Where have you been?????? I find that hard to believe. Glad you have had the experience.

    Congratulations on your finish. Cool shirt!

  2. Great job!!!!
    See, life is full of experiences.

  3. I was about to say the same thing as Mom. Never? Are you sure? Did you mean, not in a long time? Never?

    Really, that is one of the great American experiences that you simply must do. :-)
